Sunday, April 26, 2015

Online Interactive Timeline Shows the World's Reaction to North Korea's Nuclear Arms Activity Over the Last 15 Years

The interactive graphic, "China, North Korea, and Nuclear Arms" is very explanatory and easy to use. It utilizes an interactive timeline to depict North Korea's nuclear arms activities over the last fifteen years, and how the world has responded to these threats. This graphic is a great example of informative visualization of data because it is very simple and straightforward, but also includes a lot of detailed information for the user to access.

The graphic uses four timelines, tracing the actions of North Korea and the responses of China, the United States, and the rest of the world. When you click on an event in one of the timelines, a text bubble pops up with an in-depth description of a particular country's action or response. The graphic enables a user to focus on a particular year, country, and event. A timeline is a great way to visualize data because it organizes data both in a chronological order and in a visibly appealing way that is very easy to maneuver.

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